Terry Redlin Artist Proof Print: "Nature's Sentinel"
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Terry Redlin Artist Proof Print: "Nature's Sentinel"

Item# 1701385289
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Artist: Terry Redlin
Title: Nature's Sentinel
Edition: Artist Proof
Size: 18.5"H X 32"W
About The Art: "I have often wandered off alone into the woods, Terry Redlin comments, and waited very quietly and still in one place for a long period. After a while the birds, squirrels and other small animals have become comfortable with my presence and gone about their normal activities. But when deer have approached, these small creatures would begin to make a racket, sending out a warning that something strange and possibly dangerous was in the area. I've actually experienced this behavior several times. It's a bit eerie but, also, comforting to understand that nature's creatures seem to watch out for each other."
Terry Redlin Artist Proof Print: "Nature's Sentinel"
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